Apple Watch Basics

January ??

Location: TBD

Cost: $30

Did you just get an Apple Watch? Have you had one for a little while, but are still baffled by how it works? Fear not! This class is for you! In this class, we will cover basic setup of your watch, watch faces and their configuration, and Settings overview. This class also includes an introduction to the built-in applications including Messages, Health apps, Camera Remote, and Walkie Talkie just to name a few. Join us for a friendly, non-judgmental class for all beginners. Click the link for details.

Apple Health Basics

January ??

Location: TBD

Cost: $30

Let’s get healthy! Your watch and iPhone are capable of helping you get and stay healthy. Along with third party apps and hardware, they can also keep track of your blood pressure, blood glucose, weight and other health data points. These can then be shared with your doctor or other caregivers. Join us in this friendly atmosphere to learn how to do all these things! Click the link for more details.

Apple iPhone Basics

January ??

Location: TBD

Cost: $30

You’ve got an awesome, top of the line phone, congratulations! If you’d like a live person to walk you through basic usage and how to use some of the more advanced features, you’d do well to sign up for this class. There are so many things your phone can do, you’d be forgiven for being confused trying to find those things that YOU want to use it for. We’ll discuss the phone settings, built-in apps, and useful 3rd party apps. Click the link for more details!

Apple Pay Basics

January ??

Location: TBD

Cost: $30

Curious about how to use Apple Pay? Are you worried about its security? Would it surprise you to know that it’s safer than paying by credit/debit card or cash? Take this class and find out how to use Apple Pay while understanding the security behind using Apple’s digital payment system